IOMA in Houston

The IOMA skin care line has arrived to Saks 5th Avenue in Houston and I can’t be more excited to get my skin evaluated and have my skincare products customized according to my exact needs. The IOMASPHERE is unique in its kind and you can only find it in Saks inside The Galleria.

As you can see, the IOMASPHERE analyzes TONE, TEXTURE, PIGMENTATION, UV DAMAGE & PORE CONDITION,factors that can age us if we do not treat our skin properly. I’m ready to target my clogged pores!

Even though I’m wrinkle free (yay!)and my tone and texture looks great I have many clogged pores that IOMA is helping me target with their 5 Repairing Gel. After analyzing your skin, the IOMASPHERE dishes out a receipt-like prescription with the recommended products for your skin, no guessing or assuming, just a deep analysis of your skin revealed. I’ll be back to the IOMASPHERE in a week to track my changes. I’ll keep you updated!

Stay beautiful!


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