Happy Birthday To My Best Friend

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend: My Husband!


Cutie Miguel as a toddler!

We met 6 years ago at a New Year’s Party and every birthday that passes I’m even happier that we decided to get married and share our lives. Here are some reasons why I treasure our relationship and why I’m excited to grow old with you:

  1. You taught me to solve problems reasonably and with logic. Like that time I cried when an event sponsor wanted to back out a day before the event and you helped me write a professional email. I’m thankful for your business  & negotiation skills which have taught me lots in this blogging endeavor.
  2. You are the smartest person I know. Hands down. Being an engineer I thought we’d have nothing in common but I’m thankful that we complement each other as in you know how to do math and I can handle our home’s decor.
  3. You are the best dancer I know. How can you dance so well? I don’t get it! I’d look like a monkey if you didn’t lead me on the dance floor. And people actually think I can dance because of you (I’m really just following). Thank you.
  4. Thank you for pushing me to  eat all types of food. Sashimi, mussels dijonaisse , calamari and octopus. I know there’s lots more to try but till now these have been my favorite!
  5. Your desire to travel. You know exactly where you want to travel with me and we both have an idea of how we want to spend the time when we’re there. Even if that involves taking some blog photos you might not totally enjoy taking.
  6. For just being you. Whether we’re sitting on the sofa watching Jane the Virgin or Food Network Star, walking Gala around the lake (without our phones), cooking a meal on Sunday, or weathering a family function we’re having fun and that’s the only thing that matters. #YOLO

Happy Birthday and here’s to another year together!

Photography by: Heleci Ramirez

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