Huston Bloggers are travelling togetehr to Atlanta next week for The Blog Societies Conference

Lunch at Emmaline with my Houston Mom Squad

*Thank you to Emmaline for hosting our gathering and photoshoot. Thank you for sponsoring our wonderful lunch. Emmaline is an American restaurant with European influences with the most gorgeous second floor patio and a neighborly feel. 

Ever since I decided to start blogging in a professional manner and make it a part time business I’ve been going to blogging conferences. I’ve written about a couple of them on my blog and my incredibly fulfilling experience attending each and every one of them. I also put together a master list of what you need to take to your conference to make it a successful trip. What I’ve never written about is about attending a conference with a group of blogger friends! Sure I’ve had roommates and made new friends in all my conferences but I’ve never actually traveled with people I see every week in Houston. I’m super thrilled because this is basically a girl’s work/fun trip and I haven’t had a girl’s trip since college maybe (the fact that I don’t remember says a lot) ?

The group of girls I’m traveling with are my fellow blogger moms that I meet up with every week to have coffee and maintain my sanity. We whine, laugh, chit chat and share blog stories and I love that it effortlessly connects us which is beautiful because as a mom the last thing you need is complicated or high maintenance friendships. Having said that, we’re always one text away for each other! One of our favorite things to do is get together every month and catch up at one of our favrite restaurants to talk about motherhood, life,, blogging and what is inspiring us at the moment.

Disclaimer: Our blogger buddy Rebecca Robinson who is also traveling with us couldn’t make it to this group photo-shoot but there’s a description of her below.



photos by Arzu Vargas Photography

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